Campark TC21 Trail Camera: In-Depth Review & Test Footage

Review and Test Footage of the Campark TC21 Trail Camera: Features, Performance, and Practical Tips

Today, we're diving into an in-depth review of the Campark TC21 solar trail camera, a trail camera that stands out for its unique design and functionality. The TC21, a notably slim trail camera, features a design reminiscent of tree bark, although finding a perfect match in the forest for its specific color can be challenging.

Packaging and Design

The Campark TC21 comes in a well-designed package that prominently displays the camera and its features. One of the standout features of this trail camera is its integrated solar panel. This design eliminates the need for conventional batteries, allowing the camera to operate solely on solar power. In the box, along with the camera, you'll find two straps (one for the camera and one for the solar panel) and the solar panel itself.

Technical Specifications and Functionality

The TC21 is equipped with infrared LEDs for night vision. However, unlike some models that use 840-nanometer (nm) LEDs, which can be seen as they emit a red glow when activated, the TC21 uses 950 nm LEDs that are completely invisible. This feature is crucial for wildlife monitoring, as it prevents the camera from startling animals during operation. Despite the higher nm rating, which might typically result in dimmer images, the TC21 promises clear and brightly illuminated night-time footage.

An interesting point to consider is the trigger speed, which is advertised as 0.1 seconds. Realistically, activation time is closer to half a second to one second, depending on various factors such as positioning and environmental conditions.

Solar Panel Efficiency

The solar panel provided with the TC21 is robust and efficient. During a month-long test in the forest, the camera never ran out of power, despite recording numerous videos both day and night. The panel can be adjusted or positioned flat against a tree, and it connects to the camera via a 5V input, ensuring continuous operation.

Connectivity and Storage

The TC21 features Wi-Fi connectivity, allowing users to connect to the camera via a smartphone within a 20-meter range. This function facilitates the download and review of videos directly through an app. However, for those who prefer a quicker transfer, using an SD card adapter might be a more efficient alternative. The camera supports micro SD cards for storage.

Water Resistance and Security

With an IP66 waterproof rating, the TC21 is built to withstand adverse weather conditions, ensuring functionality in various outdoor environments. Additionally, it offers a password protection feature, enhancing the security of your data.

Analysis of the Settings of a Camera Trap

The described camera trap offers a series of advanced functions that allow users to customize the use of the instrument according to their needs, both for wildlife studies and for security. Below, we analyze some of the main settings and provide some useful tips for optimizing the use of the camera trap.

Capture Mode

Photo, Video or Photo+Video: The choice depends on the user's specific objective. If your primary interest is to obtain video recordings, the "Video Only" mode is recommended to avoid wasting memory with blurry photos, especially if the animals move quickly.

PIR range

Interval Setting: The interval between recordings can be adjusted to avoid multiple files of the same subject or to ensure you don't miss important action. A short interval (5-10 seconds) is useful for continuously monitoring activity, while a longer interval can be chosen to reduce the recording frequency.

Sensor Sensitivity

High, Medium, Low: The sensitivity of the motion sensor can be set according to the environment. In areas with a lot of movement, such as branches or leaves, a low sensitivity helps avoid unnecessary recordings.

Time Lapse

Accelerated Video: This function is useful for observing phenomena that develop over large intervals of time, such as the change of seasons or the behavior of animals during the day.

Recording Loop

File Overwriting: This option is crucial for those who use the camera for long periods without the possibility of downloading data frequently. By activating the loop, the camera will delete the oldest videos to make room for the new ones.

Night Settings

LED Lighting: Infrared LEDs allow you to capture images at night without disturbing the animals. The setting can be automatic or manual, depending on your brightness needs.

Energy Management

Low Battery Actions: You can configure the camera to limit the use of high energy features, such as LEDs, when the battery is low.

Monitoring Period

Specific Times of Activity: This feature allows you to limit recording to certain hours, for example only at night, thus reducing the storage space used during daytime hours.

Video quality

Resolution and Duration: The camera offers the possibility to choose between different resolutions, up to 4K. Additionally, the length of the video can be set to suit your needs, with a typical option ranging between 20 and 30 seconds.


Built-in Microphone: Allows you to capture not only images but also ambient sounds, enriching the monitoring experience.

Memory Management

SD Card Format: It is important to format the SD card directly in the camera to ensure it is compatible and ready to use without problems.

Useful Tips

  • Testing the Settings: Before extended use, it is advisable to test different settings in various environments to better understand how the camera reacts to different scenarios.
  • Regular Maintenance: Periodically check the battery status and memory capacity of the SD card to avoid loss of important data.
  • These settings and recommendations should help users maximize the effectiveness of their camera trap, while ensuring that the configurations they choose are best suited for their specific purpose.

Formatting and Basic Settings

  • Formatting the Card: It is essential to format the SD card every time you turn the camera back on to prevent recording problems.
  • Setting the Date and Time: You can choose the time format between 24 hours or 12 hours. Although the 24-hour format is more common in scientific or monitoring contexts, the option exists to accommodate personal preferences.
  • Print Date and Time on Videos: Activating this function allows you to have a direct time reference on the recorded videos, useful for subsequent analyses.

Personalization and Silence

  • Key Sound: Turning off key sounds can be useful to avoid annoying noises during setup in the wild.
  • Camera Name: Assigning a custom name to your camera can help you identify it easily, especially if you use multiple devices at the same time.

Connectivity and Applications

  • Wi-Fi and Mobile Application: While Wi-Fi can be useful for quickly downloading data without having to remove the SD card, it can increase battery consumption. The decision to activate Wi-Fi will depend on your specific needs and how often you access the camera.
  • Downloading the App: To use the associated app, you need to scan the QR Code on the instruction manual. This will facilitate the connection between the mobile device and the camera trap.

Quality of Filming

Video Day and Night: The camera is designed to offer excellent quality both day and night. During the night, the even distribution of lighting ensures that images are clear and detailed, avoiding the common problem of lighting concentrated only in the center.

Economic Considerations

Cost: With a price of around 150 euros, the camera trap is not among the cheapest, but the advanced functions and the quality of the shots justify the investment.

Practical Tips

  • Testing Functions: Before leaving the camera in an environment for a long period, it is advisable to test all functions under different conditions to ensure that everything is working as intended.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Regularly checking the battery charge and available space on the SD card is essential to avoid interruptions in recordings.

With these inputs and suggestions, users can maximize the camera's capture and ensure the selected configuration is more appropriate than that for a specific species, allowing searches to be conducted in wildlife or in safe locations.


Overall, the Campark TC21 solar trail camera is a highly capable device, particularly appealing for its solar-powered operation and discreet night-time recording capabilities. While it fits well in some natural settings, matching the bark color with the surroundings could be improved for better camouflage. The camera's slim profile and additional features, such as Wi-Fi connectivity and a user-friendly interface, make it a valuable tool for wildlife enthusiasts and security monitoring.

Check out the full review video: