
Campark T200 4K 30MPソーラーパネルトレイルカメラ(WiFi Bluetooth付き)

$129.99 $99.9923%を保存



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Campark T200ゲームカメラについて:

✔️ソーラーパワーを搭載し、バッテリーは不要:ソーラーパワートレイルカメラは、ソーラーパネルを搭載しているため、リチウムバッテリーを入れなくても単独で使用できます。これにより、ハンティングカメラの動作が長くなります。ソーラーパネルを単独で使用すると、年間数十本の単三電池を節約できます。 [注:Google Playで「Hunting4K」を検索するか、QRコードをスキャンしてアプリをダウンロードしてください]

✔️ 30MP画像と4Kネイティブビデオ高解像度:アクションが検出されるたびに、wifiトレイルカメラは30MPクリア画像と4Kネイティブビデオを撮影します(注:白黒で夜)、より良い、より現実的な野生生物の世界を提供します


✔️ 0.2Sトリガー速度とIP66防水:T200ソーラーパネルトレイルカメラが動きを検出すると、0.2秒でトリガーされ、すべての素晴らしい瞬間を記録できます。 IP66防水により、カメラは雨、雪、晴れなど、より悪天候に適応できます。通常の動作状態を維持できます

✔️ワイドビューと多様な用途:3つのPIRセンサーと120°の視野角。より広い視野を簡単にキャプチャできます。 2.4インチLCDディスプレイは、最も鮮明な画像とビデオを表示します。トレイルカメラは、野生生物の観察、鹿の狩猟、屋外の狩猟、さらにはホームセキュリティや農場の監視などの複数のアプリケーションに使用できます


すべてのトレイルカメラは、最先端の4K UHDビデオ解像度と30MPの画像解像度のおかげで、より良い品質の画像/ビデオを常に追求しています。これにより、4K解像度のテレビで野生動物を見るのと同じように野生生物を監視できます。












  • 写真の解像度:30MP * 24MP * 20MP * 6MP * 12MP
  • ビデオ解像度:4K 30FPS(3840 x 2160)、2K 30FPS(2560 x 1440)
  • IRナイトビュー:38個の赤外線LED(850nm)
  • 暗視距離:65FT(20m)
  • 画面:24"カラーTFTLCD
  • 防水:IP66


  • USB接続:ミニUSB 2.0
  • センサー検出範囲:120度
  • 動作温度:-20°C〜60°C
  • パックの寸法:10.31 x 7.28x4.53インチ
  • アイテムの重量:2.42ポンド


  • 1xワイルドライフカメラ
  • 1xソーラーパネル
  • 1xUSBケーブル
  • 1xソーラーハンティングカメラ電源ケーブル
  • 1xユーザーマニュアル
  • 1xウォールマウント
  • 1x取り付けベルト
  • 3xネジ


  • T200ソーラーパワートレイルカメラのアプリケーションプログラムは「ハンティング4K」です。GooglePlayで見つけるか、QRコードをスキャンしてダウンロードできます。アプリが見つからない場合は、お問い合わせください。
  • ウェブサイトに記載されているQRコードを条件として、マニュアルのAPPQRコードが正しくありません。
  • パッケージにはソーラーパネルが含まれています。ただし、SDカードと電池は含まれていません。最大容量128GBのSD/SDHCU3カードを使用することをお勧めします。
  • 使用前にメモリーカードをフォーマットしてください。
  • 低温状態では、単三電池とソーラーパネルを併用することをお勧めします。
  • ソーラーパネルは特定の角度に傾くため、太陽エネルギーを受け取るために太陽に面する必要はありません。トレイルカメラを設置するときは、太陽電池パネルを最も強い真昼の太陽の方向に向けて露出させます。



  • ステップ1:アプリ「Hunting4K」をクリックします
  • ステップ2:「デバイスリスト」でBluetoothデバイスを選択します
  • ステップ3:アプリ「Wi-Fiをオンにする」をクリックします
  • ステップ4:[WiFi設定]をクリックして、トレイルカメラのホットスポットに接続します
  • ステップ5:APPに戻り、[+]をクリックしてトレイルカメラに接続します

Question: How to connect wifi to get connection with the trail camera?
Answer: It is the trail camera that has wifi(hotspot), you need to download app"Hunting 4K" to connect the trail camera'wifi and get connection with the trail cam.For more detail steps, please contact us by e-mail: . You can also google some videos about this "T200 trail camera". You will find more.

Question: Can you use the camera with batteries if solar power is not optimal?
Answer: There is a battery case, it is recommended to install 8 AA batteries if you don't use solar panel.

Question: It seems the solar panel has a type-C interface, it can be connected with the trail camera on the top directly, right?
Answer: Yes, the trail camera has updated version. The new version has a type C socket on the top of trail camera. You can connect the trail camera with solar panel directly with the type C socket. There is no need of a cable to connect camera with solar panel. For previous version, a cable is needed to connect the trail camera with solar panel.

Question: Can solar panel be moved, because you dont wont take pictures into the sun????
Answer: The solar panel can not be moved. If the trail camera doesn't take pictures in the sun for a long time, you can charge the solar panel with charger.

Question: Is there any good feature recommendation for this trail camera?
Answer: The main good features are the following: 1. Powered by solar panel. You can also use with AA batteries. 2. Wifi connection to view&download images and videos on the phone app "Hunting 4K". 3. Time lapse. You can record in a specific time interval。 4. Support 10 continuous shooting, 1 to 10 are available. 5. There are 3 working mode to choose- photo, photo+video, video 6. You can set Monitoring period, set starting and ending time, then you can record at exact time. 7. There are 3 PIR sensitivity to choose-high, medium, low. You can choose one according to your need. 8. Image size: 48MP*24MP*20MP*6MP*12MP are available. You can choose exact pixel are available. You can choose exact pixel. 9. Video resolution: 4K /2K /1296P/1080P/720P/480P/360P are available. You can choose exact resolution to meet different needs. 10. The trail camera can record audio, turn on or off.

Question: Solar panel stopped working after 4 months - even after charging it again with the power cord it won’t power the camera?. Batteries drain fast
Answer: Our product is sold on July 19, 2021, for about 42 days so far. You told us the solar panel stopped working after 4 months. Is there something wrong with products? Our trail camera and solar panel has quality guarantee. You can contact us if you placed an order.

Question: How to connect the trail cam to my phone?
Answer: Step1: Please download app "Hunting 4K" and then enter the app to connect the trail camera. (You can find the app on google play and app store. The exact app name is "Hunting 4K") Step2: After enter the app, you will be guided to connect the trail camera's wifi and get connection with the cam. Step3: Back to app, then you can see live steam and download pictures & videos. Warm tips: The trail camera's wifi is not home wifi. It has distance limitation, usually 10 to 15m.

Question: What SD card do you recommended?
Answer: U3 SD/SDHC card, 32GB to 128GB is recommended. Please note that it is normal size sd card, not micro sd card. An sd card in not included in the package. Please buy one according to your need.

Question: Hello, why it seems the 1080P and 4K video is the same? I can't find different resolution on my phone.
Answer: Thanks for your question. Please view the videos and pictures on computer. You also need to have a high resolution display screen or monitor, and then you will find difference of 1080P and 4K video. Some display is 1080P, so it can't display 4K video well.

Question: Does this camera allow live viewing and does it take batteries in case solar power isn't optimal?
Answer: The trail camera allows live viewing, but it has distance limitation, usually 10-15m. It is not home wifi, but the trail camera has wifi(hotspot). You need to download app "Hunting 4K" to connect the trail camera's wifi and get connection with the trail camera on the phone. Then you can live viewing. The trail camera can also be powered by batteries in case solar power isn't optimal. There is a battery case inserted in the trail cam.

Question: How is the product quality and is there quality assurance?
Answer: To provide quality and reliable product is the most important thing for us. For the quality, please don't worry, our trail camera has test report of various functions. We also provide customer support and quality assurance.

Question: Does this trail camera record birds?
Answer: Yes, the trail camera can record birds. It is recommended to use high sensitivity when you want to record long-distance wildlife or small ones.

Question: Hi, how to use the trail camera, is it easy to use...
Answer: It is easy to use this trail camera. There is a 2.4-inch screen to setup the trail camera. 1. Install an SD card(U3) and format it on the trail cam. 2. Connect the solar panel with the trail camera for power. 3. Do some settings as you like. There is default setting. You can use it now. Just put the switch to "NO" mode. 4. After record some pictures or videos, you can replay on the trail camera. You can also connect the trail camera with app "Hunting 4K" to view pictures and videos.For more help, please contact us.

Question: Is it really native 4k video? i do need a 4k trail camera
Answer: Yes, this trail camera is a 4K native one. The trail camera deserves your try.

Question: Does this trail camera record correctly?
Answer: Yes, the trail camera will record correctly. The trail camera has 3 PIR sensor to detect animal movement. Its trigger speed is 0.2s, fast to record.

Question: Can I see videos and pics on my phone far away from the camera if I have internet where the camera is?
Answer: No, the trail camera's wifi has distance limitation. Usually it is about 10m-15m. It is the trail camera that has wifi(hotspot). If the phone is far from the trail camera, you may not get connection with the trail cam.

Question: If it is in range of wi_fi can video be saved to a local server over ftps or other?
Answer: The video can be saved to smart phone local album via app "Hunting 4K". Step1: Please download app "Hunting 4K" and then enter the app to connect the trail camera. (You can find the app on google play and app store. The exact app name is "Hunting 4K") Step2: After enter the app, you will be guided to connect the trail camera's wifi and get connection with the cam. Step3: Back to app, then you can see live steam and download pictures & videos. Warm tips: The trail camera's wifi is not home wifi. It has distance limitation, usually 10 to 15m. For more help, please contact us.

Question: Dear Sir , campark t200 this camera can live streaming 24 hr. on Youtube ? Thanks in advance .
Answer: Sorry that we have no live streaming on Youtube now. If you want to know more about this trail camera, please search "t200 solar trail camera" on youtube and you will find many videos.

Question: no glow??
Answer: It is 850nm IR LEDs. The trail camera has low glow, but not no glow one.




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Campark T200 4K 30MPソーラーパネルトレイルカメラ(WiFi Bluetooth付き)

$129.99 $99.99